Michelle took especially careful note of "Rooklord" and "Core Overclock", seeing their devastating effects. There were definitely ways to combat the Koa'ki Meiru's, but only with the right combos. Right now was not the time for worrying about them, though. It was time for her to Duel. "Well, Freya, looks like we're next," Michelle said to her Spirit Partner, putting away her notepad and pen. Freya nodded as they got off their seat, then they walked over to her spot on the stage, their eyes on their opponent. Michelle noted the Spirit Partner following her opponent, Spirit Beast Tamer Lera. Michelle couldn't remember off the top of her head how the Spirit Beasts worked, but she was certain she could figure it out. The audience, though, had their attention on Freya and Lera, noting that they were Duel Spirits.