The pounding of a hurried fist on the side of her trailer made Cici jump slightly. She was a little hungover from last night, and the strew of empty bottles around her bed proved it. [i]"What!?"[/i] she called hoarsely from her bed. Betty had already left though, leaving Isabella quite confused and a bit dazed. With the crackling of the walkie talkie going off soon later; her head turned to look at the contraption. "...Wakey, wakey! We have Fuzzies headed this way, and it's best if we avoid them!" Priscilla was now wide awake. Quickly cleaning up her trailer a bit, she grabbed her walkie talking and hopped out in only her pajamas, locking up the trailer behind her, and unhooking the electricity and plumping from the tanks. Getting into her very own truck to pull her trailer she started up the engine tossing the walkie talking in the front seat. She didn't want to go to jail again. Pulling out from her spot she followed behind the others, hoping her other friends would get out in time.