"Come on, get some!" Sazh cried out in mocking of the shadowy creature as the group rained hell upon it. To the backdrop of Nonon's weird-ass music cannons, the dragon was pelted with fire, bullets and blade strikes, all working in tandem to devastate it. Sazh's enhancements did well to adi the damage output, and it seemed that his his own bullets were getting in a few pints of harm. The hellish beast quickly found its wings crippled by the onslaught of attacks, and for moments, it seemed to be on the ropes. it staggered back, visibly harmed and overwhelmed, unable to take advantage quite enough. That all turned around just as quickly as it had come forth. Tackled from its perch by the almost equally large zombified dragon under the planeswalker's command, the dragon seized an opportunity and practically melted the thing with a point-blank surge of black miasma. Then, like with the lesser vampires, it chomped down, voraciously devouring the definitely dead monster. All of the groups efforts perished as the dark wyvern was mended of its wounds, and then some. Swallowed into a shell of its own dark power, it quickly tore itself free again with a new, evolved form. This... this was definitely more akin to a legendary dragon, a beast bathed in golden-silver splendor far greater than the demented, shadowy monster they had just nearly slain moments before. The others cursed, they groaned, they expressed their surprise and frustration, and the dragon meanwhile looked upon them with a new contemptuous confidence, its dark, foul air radiating off of it in abundance to coat the mountainside. It was all Sazh could do to not gag at this witnessing, covering his lowed face with an arm as he held his pistols in a tight clench. He witnessed Nonon scream out in rage with a heart-shaped Wave Motion Gun, Saber rocket herself forward with her now fully-visible magic sword, and Archer spawn two more blades out of nowhere to lunge onto the dragon's back. From that crater the former black dragon had stomped out, the martial artist somehow crawled out with pained cynicism. As the Shagaru Magara reared back for another miasma breath attack, the l'Cie finally spattered out, "Ah, to hell with this-!" [youtube]FpW2w-QyIw8[/youtube] Holding a hand to his l'Cie mark, Sazh focused hard on his Eidolith. The heated magic within materialized the red and gold crystalline feather promptly. "I summon..." Sazh started, then threw forth the crystal, gunning at it furiously. "Brynhildr!" As it was shattered, the Eidolith exploded into an expanding sphere of concentrated magic. Black faded into orange on the outline of the sphere, laced with ancient glyphs. The darkness began to materialize, taking form and detail until finally, it dispersed the magic globe around it in a burst, crashing down to the ground. For anyone unfamiliar with Eidolons as Sazh knew them, this being was amazing for its foreign structure. Its body was purely metallic, yet very humanoid, as if it were some intricate form of living armor, what with how machine-like it seemed. Standing almost thrice as high as Sazh, Brynhildr carried a huge polearm akin to a double-sided halberd, which it easily brandished with one hand as if it was no more than a basic sword. The scheme of reds and golds upon the Eidolon belied a sense of burning power, ultimately accurate for what it did. "There you are," the l'Cie commented at Brynhildr's arrival, lashing out to take aim at the dragon, "We need your help!" Brynhildr nodded silently in recognition, then in a furious motion charged forward, aiming to smash the lustrous dragon's head asunder to cut short its harmful breath while Sazh covered it in another flurry of bullets.