[quote=YamiCuoreLaroux] Kyo's eyes widened, and he almost ran into the room when he heard the odd response. Only just managing to stop himself, he quickly found a chair just inside and helped Katherin over to it before rushing to the piano with his tablet. "Please stop this. That instrument is not meant to be used in such a way, and who knows who could get hurt from such a thing." Frankly, the sight of anyone messing with the piano alone dismayed him, but the fact that someone was actually lacking enough consideration to turn it into something dangerous only made it worse. "Please leave the piano alone, sir." [/quote] Ezra looked up once again and then back continued working while saying "you see I would but if I stop then it won't work as a piano nor as what I'm building it into. Stopping now would be a waste of time and material used to make this, and I assure you the the piano will sound no different as it did before, you'll just have a few surprises as you play." He then got out of the piano and started working on the wheels, attaching things to the wheels and from inside the piano to the wheels.