[quote=BlackCat] Kat noticed a sense of fear outside. A kemono was outside. They would need to combat it. Kat decided her best bet would be to go with the new kids so that they could not only beat the kemono but the newbies would learn how to use their newfound abilities."Kemono, were going outside follow me. We'll be fighting it, just make sure not to try and take it on by yourself. That's what gets Maho no Ko killed..." Kat then started towards an elevator hidden in the corner.Taimu undid her transformation and put her fox on her shoulder and followed after Kat. Partially prepared for whatever was ahead of her. [/quote] "And yes I'm going to follow you to my death this day just keeps getting better and better." He said has he backs up from her. His panther keep pushing he forward but his strength was stronger so the panther slid back as he backed up. He then looked down at the panther and realize something and asked "if we have these spirits to fight with use then why are they so little and weak, they seem to get in the way more than if you just use your powers?"