"I'm afraid I didn't understand a word you just said, sir." Katewyn was addressing the man attired as some sort of pirate. "Is it a variant of English? It sounds quite odd to my ears." Then she turned to Aria and Maithien. "My name is Katewyn, professional hunter and tracker. . . There isn't a beast on this world that can escape me." She added proudly. While this was not actually 100% true, she had assisted in a hunt of every known creature, so she felt she had earned the title. She slowly studied the people set before her. The girl who had just spoken, Aria, seemed nice enough. She was some sort of swordsman, though Katewyn couldn't be sure. Her clothing was interesting. Bright pants and colors, and some sort of corset, though it looked like half of it had been removed. Still, who was Katewyn to judge? Long ginger hair adorned her head, and her smile was bright and warm. She ignored studying the captain as two other figures came around to the dock. The first girl looked quite young, probably a young adult. She was carrying a large suitcase, and when she spoke, Katewyn could simply not hear her. Her attention flitted to the next person, and then the smile she had been wearing on her face quickly vanished, replaced by a frown. Here was one of those animal creatures. It had been to good to hope for none of them on the ship, but still. . . Ignoring the animal, she turned back to the captain.