[quote=MissCapnCrunch] Hadley stated as they had reached the first step of the first flight. She was happy that she was a relatively small and in shape girl, or this would be torture to climb up and down multiple times per day. Hadley responded to the question after Alex spoke his age. They all seemed so much mature than that, Hadley wouldn't have been surprised if they were all in their late teens or early twenties. [/quote] "Haha! This where I say my age is seventeen" Py chuckled to himself. "But frankly I don't know my age. The kind detective that brought me in said I was seventeen looking from my owner's records. So I believe he is right." He mused. "I wonder what the housekeeper has planned. Ma u be we get to enact our life as a musical. ~kuhuhu. I call dibs on greek tragedy." He puffed. His face flushing red with an unknown sensation. "I hope I get to hear a romantic one too. ~hehe~. So, what do you guys like to read. I mean do books interest you or activities keep you busy." He asked to none in particular.