Samael listened to all of this with interest. To think that the reason that Lord Armond allowed the company of this band of misfits is because of some lucky bastard in his own line of work! He'd have to try something like that later, only with killing the entire royal family and putting the blame on a captain, or someone else without plenty of trusted friends. Putting the blame on someone who was bound to have some connections was a pretty odd choice. What interested him more than that, however, was what Blitz was after. Where did he learn about something as powerful as a dragoon spirit anyway, and just how powerful are they? This guy must not only be crafty, he must have a pretty good place to get info from. Samael could just imagine what he could do with something like that. Even if he wouldn't be able to use it, he didn't exactly need to tell anyone else about that little flaw. Still, if someone challenged him, he'd need some way to persuade them that he had the power. Samael mentally marked the idea down in his mind as yet another idea to check out later and turned his thoughts back towards the conversation. The ginger was talking again. "How exactly do you plan on finding the spirits and the ones that can use them?" she asked, Armond. As much as this girl annoyed him, Samael could see that she had a point. It's not as if the Dragoon spirits are just going to magically appear. Still, there was something else he was concerned with. "Yes, finding them is a problem," he said to her, "but what happens when you [i]do[/i] find them? It's not as if they're going to all be ready to sacrifice their lives on the word of a suspected murderer, is it?"