Evelyn looked uncomfortable as the girl said she’d tried to girl herself and couldn’t. Even if she hadn’t succeeded, the thought was disturbing. [i]You Evelyn as the keeper of Defeat. I am sure you have noticed that you cannot turn down the simplest challenges. If you lose a challenge, you experience pain but if you win you experience pleasure.[/i] Evie hesitated, knowing what the woman had written was indeed true. The truth of it made her blush though, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone else in the room. Surely some jackass would challenge her now to something she couldn’t win, and she’d feel the stabbing pains again. Or maybe they’d be nice and let her win something so she’d feel better. But these were people with demons in them. She supposed in a way, they were all corrupted now. Evelyn sighed and glanced over as Conrad introduced himself and said he had nightmares. Maybe that was the reason for the mask. Hmm… Then Katherin spoke of a girl named Tiffany who had lies, and Jorn who had disease. That made Evelyn shudder. Deafeat sucked, but disease sounded worse. [i]Wait, wait, wait.. hold on a second, Katherine. You’d actually expect me to believe I have a… demon? Living inside of me?[/i] Evelyn hesitated at the man’s words. He was trying to be logical, but logic didn’t exactly make sense here did it? It seemed everyone was readily accepting this because it made sense. Even Evelyn was tempted to understand exactly what proof their host had beyond this surprising knowledge about them all. [i]Shut it![/i] Evelyn jumped, looking a bit scared as Jorn yelled out. [b]”Umm… the only other explanation there would be really would be a shared delusion, and that would seem rarer to me, than demon possession,”[/b] Evie said, hoping she didn’t sound stupid. Evie glanced to whom she assumed was Tiffany, who began stuttering and saying she could hear a demon in her head. Evelyn frowned. She hadn’t noticed a voice in her head or anything… Perhaps he was latently waiting, or just feeding her thoughts when appropriate so he could keep tearing her down in a slow tortuous way. She had no idea. She’d heard a voice in her head before, but then again, she thought she’d just been talking to herself. Hell now she was confused. And the Tiffany girl was sliding to the floor. [b]”Uhh… are you guys gonna be okay?”[/b] she asked. Ah, this was the challenge wasn’t it? To appear to be the most sane one in the room. If she wasn’t, well, she’d be losing perhaps. Or maybe she was making up games in her mind. Maybe she was losing her mind. Either way, at least she wasn’t yelling for no reason or grabbing her head or wearing a mask, or trying to kill herself.