"'Cause it's english!" He replied promptly. "Are we ta be a crew of women, not that I see much grounds to complain look on at the women themselves" He said looking the new arrivals over and lingering where a man should not "But its nae good crewin' a ship with lasses, 'tis a mans jobs and sailors say they are ta be bad luck on the true winds" He said to Garret as he took off the rubbish hat he had bought off a sailor, the hat itself was oddly shaped and uncomfortable, and threw it out over the edge of the ship. "Anywho, is there gannin' be seperate lodgings fer lads and lasses? We do 'ave a fore an' an aft lodgin' space but the fore lodging space is meant fer da dying and the captured, 'tis a more secure room but I wouldnae want to stay there." He said in his soft voice, regardless of the strong accent, he was an elf but he was brought up by men and lived around scum. He grew up speaking as they did but there was no hiding the elf in his voice, with some lessons on pronunciation he had no doubt he could speak like the toffs up on high, but he cared not, so long as he had Garret, wages and a nice bed.