Drake: "Girls." Drake began, "The world is more than you thought it was or has ever been...its best that you take a seat, this is a lot to take in and unfortunately you don’t have much time to absorb this." Drake took a deep breath and continued where Drake left off. Drake: "To put it simply, you are Witches, practitioners of the Wiccan arts, you are able to use magic to cast spells, brew potions." Drake: "You also have powers, now we don’t know what sort of powers you will have - but once the ritual has been performed you will be able to understand what is happening to you." Kerri: “Being a witch is not easy and it is not 100% safe either but with the right tutor meaning me and Drake over here we can train you to defend yourselves. Demons are the most common enemies though are split into high level demons and low level demons. There are also other types such as vampires, warlocks and other nasty’s which you may come up against and hopefully overcome.” Drake: "This, girls - is the Book of Shadows - the greatest weapon against the powers of evil, to give you a better idea, it’s like a Wikipedia of all things magic, Information on demons, a plethora of spells and more potion recipes than you can shake a stick at." Kerri: “Ah yes the Book of Shadows, a book that has been passed down from generation to generation. The time is now for you to have it until the next generation is here. The book is full of knowledge from aunts, uncles, grandparents and so on. Normally with each encounter a new part is added to the book, with each generation the pages get more and more added. With you four I am sure the pages will get even more in them.” Drake: "Soon will be the night of the full moon, and at that time you will receive you full wiccan blessings." The girls gave a look at each other, Karen and Kaylah easily coming to terms with such things. Kat was a little unsure what this meant for her and her social life though this was applied to all of them. The blonde found would come around to it soon, she just had to take it in for a while and think about the changes and what this meant for her and her sisters. The powers part sounded cool though she wondered what hers would be. She felt hers would be something passive just based on who she was and the frame she had. Karen: “So we are witches who would have demons come at us for reasons we don’t really know. Have you used magic around us before?” Kerri: “Yes dear me and Drake have though he does it when no one is really watching. I however had been using it in front of you for years. Generally they are small things that one would normally miss if they were not watching out for them. As for the demons coming for you it is normal practice for them and others of the dark arts. Even more so good witches who protect the innocents and the good within the magical community.” Kaylah was quickly accepting of this and seemed to be very reasonable about all of this though was she ready to defend herself against demons? The problem was now that she had a even greater responsibility to her sisters and possibly her mother and Drake though the question was what was he? Kaylah and Karen generally glanced at each other a lot showing that they both took this seriously even though this was new to them and may not be something they wanted to be. Karen soon had a question. Karen: “OK so we are witches, mum is a witch and some if not all members of the family were witches or something magical. My question is what is Drake then, is he a witch too or is he something different as I don’t think I have ever seen you do that thing Drake does?” Kerri thought that was a good question and would let Drake answer that question as he was the white lighter and would possibly be better at explaining what he was. Her eyes watched each of the sisters to see how they took the news, it seemed Kaylah and Karen were OK with it, Kat seemed to need a little time but Krissy was hard to read. Krissy had not given anything away as she just listened to what was said. Kerri was always worried about Krissy and would talk to Drake about her time to time as she was the dark horse of the four.