[quote=Feisty-Pants] OMG OMG K.GN KM.GBFSHDU HFHRB.YOU LFG FORUM GUYS MADE IT HERE?!?!?!?!I used to frequent those ages ago! ^_^How have you all been?! [/quote] Hi. A few of us seem to have wandered over here at least. Should I (the user formerly known as Barbarian At The Gate) know who you are? I am obviously not at my best at the moment but the last few years have been alright. [quote=Nilly] KitN: I would hug you, but you are in Canada and probably reeling from your tooth extraction. :( *hugs*[/quote] The different countries thing (which I blame on you being American rather than my being Canadian) is by far the bigger issue when it comes to hugging me. Unless you hug very, very oddly it shouldn't bother the inside of my mouth. Also the bloody hole doesn't seem to hurt nearly as much as the infected nerve trapped within the tooth.