[center][img]http://i59.tinypic.com/wb2xht.jpg[/img][/center] Why did he become a pirate? That was actually a pretty good question. Nolan turned to face Risa with an amused expression, "to be honest, I don't really know either." He laughed softly, "I guess I wanted an adventure, and I've been getting a lot of that lately. Trust me, trouble follows these people wherever they go. It's quite amazing—wait what?" The smile was wiped off his face and he nearly tumbled out of his seat. The cook had to agree with Risa, the Rookie Judge was dangerous. Sure, he trusted Runa, she was their [i]captain[/i], but it didn't change the fact that she was a kid in a tavern full of drunk and potentially dangerous people, and he didn't want to see her or any of his friends get hurt. So when she suggested starting a fight he leaped to his feet and stood at his full height, "no, no, we're not doing that here...and she's off." He shook his head right and left then sighed, "you're right, I'm going to follow her." Nolan made his way towards the captain and the drunk Shouta, but the latter didn't stick around, and instead, he made his way towards the stage. He sang for a bit then began bellowing challenges at the crowd. Nolan arched his eyebrow then looked to the captain. Was she really that interested in getting the Rookie Judge to talk? He looked again, she probably was, wasn't she? Fine, okay, as one of her crew mates, it was his duty to help his friends. Nolan walked up to Ray and Luro and clamped a hand down on each their shoulders. He still felt a little awkward around Luro, but this fight would have to end eventually, in the end, they were still crew mates. "Ray, I reckon you can sing a lot better than him. Want to liven this place up?" He nodded slowly in Luro's direction. "And I've never seen anyone drink as much as you can. Maybe if you both beat him at his own game he'll be interested in talking?" Nolan waited for an answer then laughed nervously, "just don't do anything dangerous or brash, please."