As soon as the door opened eyes turned to them. They lurched after them their groans filling his ear, he took a couple of strides forward and let the closest beast reach the distance of his blade. With a sickening [i]thwack[/i] he brought his blade through the neck of a sister, the next up was one of his brothers, who was the only one who ever spoke to him he was a kind templar and was a veterans of many wars. He actually felt bad as he kicked the templars knee and broke it sending him to the ground, what came next was impalement with his blade. With the sister and the templar dispatched he looked to his brother leaning against the door, the templar captain, even covered in blood and missing chunks of flesh he recognized him. He straightened his blade and sent it through the side of his skull, giving him the mercy he did not show Havarr. "What a waste" He said to the air and the goddess herself. After he was sure all of them were dead, he put his blade back in it's scabbard and walked over to Arria. "M'lady close your eyes and sing a song." He said and picked her up like a bride on her wedding night and held her close and walked into the streets, looking at the streets he instantly regretted ever leaving the sanctuary as it looked like a scene out of his worse nightmare. Havarr was not built for stealth, even if he was his armor would draw everything within a mile radius like a dinner bell, so he had to think, to make a plan that wouldn't get him caught. He looked around crossing off buildings as he looked. The inn would be a blood bath and the cramped quarters would not leave him much room to swing his blade around, but it might have food and shelter for a night while him and Arria discuss what's next. The guard barracks would have spare weapons and maybe some food. But he wondered as to the exact number of wounded who expired and came back in there. And the orphanage would be the last place he would want to take Arria.