Aidan grimaced as his comrade just told him that he'll smash his own face against landmines; he hoped that it was a bad joke, it would be hard to describe Adrian's suicidal behavior and not get demoted from his position. Since he wasn't given much time to protest, the medic could only take a defensive position on an elevated portion of ground and scan for any threat or movement; given the one minute time limit, Aidan brought up a virtual stopwatch on his central screen and tapped on it once the hare entered the cruddy building. Watching the time drain, hearing nothing on the comms and having no visual indication of the hare's position and status, kept the dog on edge; his muscles twitched as they were ready to slam into the pedals and charge in to provide help. Seconds drained quickly and by the time the stopwatch hit the -10 second mark, the warehouse suddenly rattled and unleashed streams of dust from its cracked walls. Aidan gritted his teeth, his heart skipped a couple of beats as he instinctively thought the worst had happened to Adrian and his GEAR; he was about to charge downhill and undergo a rescue operation, but his impulse was cut off as soon as his eyes spotted the familiar GEAR rushing back up, giving him a negative gesture all the way back. The dog sighed in relief and felt slightly amused, wondering just what in the heck happened, suspecting that the rather shoddy interior nearly trapped Adrian isnide. As the hare told him about the situation of the large room once he reached back at him, Aidan's eyes were peering at something in the distance, swearing that he just saw something move; the computer confirmed his suspicion as the once-defunct GEAR groaned and came to life for a few seconds. He had no indication about what was going to happen next, he just managed to drop a surprised gasp through the comms. The flash momentarily blinded him, the sound wave was partially muffled by Stumpy's hull, Aidan instinctively reared with the help of the ankle-mounted wheels and dragged Adrian with him to safety; when his vision came back to normal, he found himself in a dust storm holding another GEAR's forearm, which he quickly identified to be Adrian's. The situation caught him off-guard, even though he was expecting for a disaster to happen; nothing prepared him for a large explosion and a world of confusion. His wits returned to him the moment he heard a few very distinctive whistles in his helmet's speakers, he even felt a jolt in his right arm as a leaden bullet disintegrated in the outer hull of the armored GEAR appendage holding the rapid-fire autocannon. That determined the dog to retreat further back, still pulling Adrian's own GEAR with him, finally reaching a far enough place where they were protected from weapon fire. Aidan turned his attention to the communication lines, finding out that everyone, in a nearly-simultaneous fashion, got attacked. [b]"This is team three, tangos blew the warehouse into confetti and opened fire on us. We're covered by a dust storm, we may need air support or a pair of eyes from above, sir!"[/b] Aidan reported as his eyes were still scanning for any imminent danger. He then addressed towards his companion: [b]"Hey, buddy, you OK in there? Are you hurting? Bloody fuck, you sure there was no one in the warehouse? That dead GEAR at the door just blew up and everything happened. Damn."[/b] He then checked his arm, barely visible through the dust blowing right into the camera, but he could tell that the damage was rather superficial, but one or two more well placed rounds could incapacitate a number of muscle fibers. Aidan then came up with the best of his ideas, given the situation and tension at hand. [b]"Flank'em! I'll draw their fire and circle to my right, you go on the opposite and pick them off!"[/b] Aidan then took off after he unlatched his grip on Adrian's arm, skirting the lip of the valley from a safe distance; there was dust everywhere, annoying the dog to the point he turned on the thermal scanners to avoid bumping over a stone and making a huge fool out of himself on his first official mission with the Roughriders. He didn't quite expect to see any action from day one, but he was glad this op wasn't a run-of-the-mill border patrol. When he finally caught some visibility over the collapsed structure, Aidan turned his GEAR and strafed to the right while adjusting his position by shifting forwards and back, making him a rather annoying target to shoot at. He brought the GEAR weapon up to the cameras and aimed down, until the weapon's reticle coincided with the one following his eye movement; once he had a relative fix, he released the safety lock on the autocannon and squeezed the index finger, immediately feeling the recoil shoving his right shoulder into the seat. The repeated gunfire explosions drilled at his canine eardrums, his teeth gritting tight as he fought against the powerful yanks all in the while he kept himself moving. He saw the tracer rounds landing in the general area of the mining camp, but he wasn't sure if he hit anything; he couldn't do much about adjusting his aim in this run'n'gun tactic, he instead hoped that one of his stray shots would wound one of those men he saw down there. He could also identify a GEAR moving out to engage, he wasn't too sure about it until the lock-on alert beeped at him in panic; the dog freed the first set of flares, saving himself from a missile launch that would otherwise have turned him into minced meat. As much as he wanted to pull down the guidance systems for his own rocket battery and unleash hell on their bandit hides, he didn't want to risk the life of any possible hostage held up in the mining plant; a danger-close rocket support would be maybe too close for comfort, all he could do now was to play patiently, keep enemy fire drawn to him, conserve ammo as much as possible and wait for support. If none was given, he then may have to use his last resort solution to put off some of the heat.