[quote=Diabolicalrhapsody] "Haha! This where I say my age is seventeen" Py chuckled to himself."But frankly I don't know my age. The kind detective that brought me in said I was seventeen looking from my owner's records. So I believe he is right." He mused. "I wonder what the housekeeper has planned. Ma u be we get to enact our life as a musical. ~kuhuhu. I call dibs on greek tragedy." He puffed. His face flushing red with an unknown sensation. "I hope I get to hear a romantic one too. ~hehe~. So, what do you guys like to read. I mean do books interest you or activities keep you busy." He asked to none in particular. [/quote] [quote=Spartan2961] "well looks like we're all in a row age wise" Alex say pointing out this fact. He heard what Py said about enacting their life in a musical. "I don't know about that. Some of us aren't as musically talented as others. Myself included" Alex says in response not really thrilled by the idea. "Book wise I usually read those about ancient military battles like the one on the battle of Gaugamela" Alex said revealing his like for ancient history military battles. [/quote] [i] Hadley didn't comment much on the travel over, she wasn't much for small talk- not knowing that it was a thing people did that often. [i]"I haven't read a book..well, in a very long time."[/i] the girl admitted. The last book she had read on her own was a children's book whilst sitting on her father's lap. They didn't need to know that though. [i]"Here we are."[/i] Hadley mentioned as she opened the door to the music room. It was quite the chaotic scene going on. Quickly she stepped back from the doorway, [i]"Oh my."[/i] she whispered, watching the housekeeper wrangle up the rowdy boys.