[quote=Rayn Night] I have no doubt he would be the best qualified to do it xD That is not really what I meant. Guardians are (to my belief) exclusive to the Tower. Skye is from Ferros, which is now disconnected from the Tower since they made the new one in Valeal. That's more the story I want to know :P [/quote] Ah. I forgot that bit. Perhaps he can be exclusively loyal to the Archmage of Ferros because that's where he is from. [quote=Headphones] Sorry, Ink, but I can't see that happening. I am unaware of what kind of experience you have with people, but the ones I have seen that are around the age of sixty and above and even some a bit below ofttimes complain about some sort of aching. Their bodies just aren't young enough. Even my former P.E. teacher, who is in perfect shape by the way, is having difficulty with his kneecap.And, if you were to think about it, being at the age of sixty two would be considered a true elder, if we were to presume that people in general don't live as long as we do. I believe you should think more on how the character would fit and develop in the story. Maybe you should make him ten years younger? What kind of relationships and position are you planning to give him? [/quote] Yeah, maybe I aged him too much. I was just aiming for an older grizzled veteran type. Fifty-two should be old enough for that. I am not too knowledgeable when it comes to how age affects individuals. I just figured if he was an elite trained by the Tower and was almost constantly fighting to defend Mages, he would be in good enough shape to hold off the effects of age slightly.