Adrien was sitting on a foldable chair on the roof of his trailer enjoying a cup of heavily creamed coffee that he specifically made for himself, he didn't want to risk drinking Virgil's again, and a fresh croissant he baked himself. He was wearing a long sleeved white button up shirt and a pair of black slacks along with his bowler hat, which sat perfectly on his neatly combed hair. He had been up for a few hours now, he only ever slept a few hours at a time as he had long come use to living on the schedule of the rode, when Betty came by and began to bang on the side of his trailer. He was puzzled for a moment before he heard the buzzing of the walkie talkie that sat next to him. He quickly set his coffee and croissant aside before he walked to the edge of the trailer and started to make the movement of someone casting off a fishing line in the direction of Grigori's truck. As he started to "real in" his trailer started to roll forward until it was right behind Grigori's truck and was hooked into place. Everyone knew that Adrien was completely horrid at driving real vehicles so he always hooked his trailer up to some one else's, this time it was Grigori's.