Wonderland; the next generation Years have passed since the Alice had come and went, leaving near chaos in her wake. Of course, chaos is a given in wonderland, so it wasn’t long before the land settled back into normal unormality. People moved on, animals moved on, all grew older, Most had children. And however chaotic the older residences of wonderland were, their offspring are that and more. This is a roleplay where you, the player, with play as one of the original character’s children as they interact with one another and explore the vast reaches of the world known as wonderland. Offspring of; The Cheshire Cat: Tabby Cat (Banba) The March Hair: The Mad Hatter:Eira (Whirlwind) Dormouse: The white rabbit:Holland L. Rabbit (XxFellsingxX) The Red Queen& King:Theo, Cuore (Theodora_21) the White Queen: Antitus Marmoreal (Alyss Dolyss) Tweedle Dum:Freya (Summer) Tweedle Dee:Fabian(Summer) The caterpillar: Rules: 1. Cuss if you want, but don't over do it. 2. I have the right to kick you from the rp if you don't follow the rules, or are just being a jerk. Don’t be a jerk. 3. Don't control other people's characters. Thats just rude. 4. Don't be a dick to the other players. Seriously. 5. Take your sex scene elsewhere, thank you very much. 25. I make mistakes. If one bothers you, please point it out to me. I'll either fix it or explain my thinking. 7. I have the right to add or modify the rules because, as stated above, I make mistakes and am a scatterbrain. 8. be as creative as you can with creating anything new. This is wonderland we’re talking about. 9. Dudes, have fun. :) [hider=some areas] Feel free to make new ones if you wish, I’ll add them as we go. Red queen’s castle [img=http://indietravel.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Chambord-Castle-France-2.jpg] The city [img=https://bilbyandbear.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/img_2848.jpg] Tulgey woods [img=http://www.ewallpapers.eu/w_show/small-forest-path-1920-1080-5376.jpg] The swamp [img=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/242/3/3/swamp_by_blinck-d2xmqep.jpg][/hider] [hider= Character sheet]Name: Parent: Age: Looks: (picture or description, I don’t care. just as long as we know what you look like) Personality: Short history: Other:[/hider]