[quote=joeycbee] One might call this release the kracken. instead of going for item hand he went straight of him pounding his face into the floor. he didn't care if he die or if he remained unharmed, or if he one again broke every signal piece of his body, he just wanted to punch his face repeatedly over a long period of time. In the end he wound up unconscious for whatever reason after what felt like a hour of punching Alastair face in(was only a few seconds.). miraculously nothing was damaged besides a few scrapes from the explosion of wood created by the chair Alastair was sitting on.After Nerox lunged at Alastair Erza jumped causing minerals to shoot out of the ground, consisting of gold, silver, emeralds, iron, and a diamond or two. after a few seconds he regain control and brought a metal up from the earth nailing it in Nerox's head. He collapsed on top of Alastair. "Sorry i just didn't know what else to do, he was kinda on a rampage so....." he said poking his index fingers together. [/quote] Alastair got hit by nerox's first punch sure he'll give him that it really hurt but it was enjoyable seeing him punch the floor over and over agin intel the other kid brought up some silver, the pure silver cuased Alastair to panic he kicked nerox the face and tried to escape the silver even with the boy ontop of him he was getting a good distance away from it when he heard a snap he don't stop intel he felt a metal bracelet on his skin.