[Center][img]http://i.imgur.com/weQcz7P.png[/img][/center] At first, they took forever to get moving. Too much hesitation and worry with them. It always was... But eventually, the soldiers led the way and they were back on the airships. Easing their minds for most of the trip, she told an intricate, and finely detailed story about the race from her point of view. Little did the crew know, she was pretty good at storytelling. It was an easy thing, but to be able to engage everyone into listening, including the nobodies wasn't quite easy. It made her remember the stories she told to younger children she bothered stopping to entertain during her travels, resting in parks and the likes. "And when it was over, I believe the Ri girl one. Too bad to. But that was our adventure. Well, mine. My favorite part was knocking all those guys off their boards. Too bad I couldn't keep the hoverboard." She gave a sigh before plopping down on a seat and then resting upside down. She rested her hat on her chest, letting her sprawl upside down. Some time during the trip, Japhet was yelling about honey and busted engines. She had no idea what he was rambling about but did end up tumbling off the seat when they crashed. "Yeesh, these guys need to learn how to land properly." She stood and put her hat back on before looking to the ones that were in charge. As they were getting off the ship, she stood in between Harper and Inadi as the former spoke up in worry. "Well of course they're trying to take our things. If they took a witch's heart and the USB, they're bound to try it again." Her fist hit her palm and she grinned. "Oh but don't worry. They will be giving all of it back once we're done with them." Her grin turned mischievous as she thought of the many ways they could end up crashing the party. "Whatever you do though... Don't drink the tea. I remember this one time, the boss decided to invite his an ally of his over for drinks and ended up poisoning him. It was quick and in seconds the guy fell over. He told us something like 'keep your enemies close and your friends closer'." She shrugged and reverted back to the topic at hand. "Long story short, the tea could be poisoned. Too bad though....cookies sound really good right now..." Ace whistled and shrugged again as of it was nothing. She turned her attention to the nobodies. "We don't need babysitters! Just... someone to get us there." Her gaze went over to the forest. "We've been through dark forests before, this should be a breeze." Of course, when Japhet spoke of sticking close, Ace was the first to wander off ahead. "This should be a breeze guys. All we have to do is go in and get it. No magic involved. Just a group of clueless people wanting what we have. This should be easy. We've faced dragons for pete's sake- whoever pete is- and you tamed one Leila. No reason at all to get scared over a group in hoods." They would realize, that Ace wasn't speaking to anyone in particular. In fact, she was just rambling away. At least it was motivational and nothing too annoying for the group. As it got darker, she crossed her arms and looked around. "Flashlights might be useful though. Wouldn't want to run into any branches, or fall into any holes. You soldiers have any lights on you?" [Center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/qG9dVJ5.jpg[/IMG][/center]