[img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10351311_717967281623669_7598044737401954121_n.jpg?oh=71347405316476be57ad4506011b0783&oe=54BB5652&__gda__=1421497322_7f356ffa257c8b97457e627e1b92c755[/img] Name: Cao Pi (It's a demon name, the surename goes first as a way of courtesy) Age: 25 House: Cao Position: Lord Race: (Any races are allowed. If something new please describes it.); Demon Weapons/Gear: [url=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140209123238/assassinscreed/images/3/3d/Armour_of_Romulus.jpg]Armor (no hidden blades)[/url] [url=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/122/8/8/Spatha_by_Odinblades.jpg]Sword[/url] Skills/Magic: elemental magic, gravity magic Background: The young lord of the infamous demon province, He got to the throne just a few days ago when his fater Cao Shen was assessinated by a bandit who then was captured and executed by Cao Pi himself. Still inexperienced in ruling the province he relays on his officers. Unlike his father Cao Pi threats people in a really friendly way even if they are peassants Opinion on War: He has not yet formed an opinion about it. House: Motif: Fox House Name:Cao House Type: Warrior, Political House Head:Cao Pi House Sigil: [url=http://x-tattoos.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/tribal-fox-tattoo-6.jpg]Click Me[/url] House Race: Demon House Motto: Together everything is possible (the new motto) House History: (may i skip this plz?) House Commodity:Their unique martial arts in both armed and unarmed combat and the high fertility of the plains Land of House: Theplains, perfect for rising cattle and planting House Base: Unlike all the lords Cao Pi decided to live alone in a small house in the capital city of province, Arenia, the castle is now being used as storehouse House magic: Since young children of the Cao house are trained in magic and martial arts Side: neutral for now House Theme: [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w355NPnCMSM]Cao's theme[/url]