[quote=HikikomoriMoxy] Zira had been reading a book when an announcement was made. She closed her tablet and put it into her side bag as she left to the Grand Hall. She showed the guards her I.D. and looked up just in time to catch a glimpse of Grimm making his way into the Hall. She caught up with him but looked straight ahead as she spoke. "I don't remember you being a part of the crew." Zira said softly.She vaguely recognized him from her days of free lance work. She used to be an assassin for hire, she still is, the government hired her as part of the squadron. She was getting paid quite a hefty sum for it as well. [/quote] "Well we all are forgetful, but your face seems awfully familiar as well." He said he said analyzing her face. Since he only occasionally goes out In public he must have seen her in the blackmarket or something. "And what might your name be?" He asked.