The dragon's sudden transformation gained from consuming the dragon that Sorin had zombified earlier quite pained the ancient vampire. Partly because this gruelling battle was going to be dragged out even further, partly because of the petty insults and poorly-conceived jokes now streaming in from the peanut gallery. Sorin wasn't the type prone to bouts of homicidal rage (at least, not particularly recently), but if he was ever going to have one of those moments, this was probably how it would start. Regardless, he shook away the thought and returned his focus to the battle at hand. The new form of the dragon was admittedly impressive, and were it not for its strong Red mana signature (mixed with Black as it was), Sorin would have committed the battle to memory so that he might summon the beast later. Even so, a legendary foe demanded a legendary weapon. Sorin drew strongly upon the mana in the area, pulling forth whatever color he could, no matter of what it gave him. He drained the area so thoroughly, the vibrancy of the scenery seemed to dull and fade around him, and small plants and animals about his feet withered to dust. The form of his summon began to coalesce before Sorin, an unusually powerful resonance from the Aether gradually assuming a solid form. Soon enough, though, the summon was complete, and Sorin held [url=]Elbrus, the Binding Blade[/url]. Rather unassuming for such a powerful artifact, it was a shortish dagger, carved from bone with numerous strange runes and sigils carved along its length. However, Sorin knew the blade's secrets, and its secrets now knew of him. [i]"Release me..."[/i] Elbrus whispered into Sorin's mind. [i]"Release me and the greatest of vengeance shall be yours."[/i] While not particularly perturbed by the cursed blade's murmurings, Sorin regardless wanted no part of what was to come. He needed to be as far as he could from this blade when it gained its much desired release. Meaning he needed another person to wield it. Ideal would be someone that would be neither intimidated by haunted dagger, nor immediately obligated to destroy it, needless to say able to wield it and drive it into the dragon. The large, red, masked man Sorin spotted a short ways ahead seemed as likely a candidate as any, if his strong Black mana signature was anything to judge by. Sorin approached Kane, offering the blade hilt-first as he said, "Here, my friend, take this. I'd like you to use it on the dragon over there, you look like you can handle it. Not terribly difficult, just stick the pointy end in and make sure you draw blood. Oh, and I'd get away from this thing very quickly afterwards if I were you."