The Typhoon Warriors filed out of the captain's cabin, each of them heading in different directions for different reasons. Dar Ray still had business to finish, Three Horns had some ideas he wanted drafted out, Fletcher was going to start gathering his things, Sheol needed to go study some spells, and Harasha still had to oversee the ship until the officers came back. By the time night fell, Malakaus and the other officers returned to the ship after multiple trips to the cove. Malakaus had his hands full trying to do something with all the materials he got his hands on, as Three Horns was quick to start talking to him about another function for that blasting formula, one that differed from his Boom Sticks. It was almost as interesting of an idea, and something else that Malakaus would have to ask Sharee to help him work with. Aside from that however, he did also have a lengthy debriefing about what Sharee asked them. Malakaus had mixed feelings, just like them. A bit of pride for getting his group distinguished. A bit of envy, thinking that it was thanks to his efforts that they even got Sharee's attention. And a bit of worry, since he wasn't sure if Sharee was actually pleased with his Typhoon Warriors success. But he wasn't going to hold back. He didn't want to admit it, but they weren't the best fighting force. Heck his strongest warrior likely doesn't even like him. But he'll be damned if he can't make it work. Malakaus spent the night on land, using the forge he rented out. He made some quick money selling the loot he claimed and decided to hold off using the ingots until he could get a concrete plan for them. He thought about perhaps making armor, but the ship lacks the facilities for him to work on something so difficult over time, and he wasn't quite certain if he wanted to create weapons for the crew just yet. He had plenty of ideas with the ingots, but he would have to wait until they actually prove to be worthwhile. Otherwise, he used his funds to purchase more materials for enchanting, but also for his shield. On it's own it's a spiked wooden shield edged with ebony, but he knew there could be more. First of all, he needed to treat the wood. It was made from oak, but as today's battle showed, wooden shields would only go so far. Additionally, he felt that his magical defense was lacking, more so since it seemed that Noelle, their officer spell caster, had no hesitation using her spells on her own allies. While he had something in mind to get pay back against her, it did remind him that should he face a spell caster, all he had going for him was the hopes that he could kill them first before they land the first spell. And not one to accept weakness, he was going to do something about this.