Name: Cuore Parent: Red Queen and King Age: 18 Looks: [img=] Personality: Cuore is a bitch. Plain and simple. She grew up getting what she wanted when she wanted it. Now she wants the thorn to Wonderland. She will kill her own parents if that's what it takes (which it might). Her only weakness is her little sister Theo (but she would never admit this to anyone). She spoils her little sister and treats her like the little princess she is. Short history: The Red Queen and King and never planned on having a child. But once Coure was born, they decided to keep her and raise her to be the next in line to be Queen. She taught her to despise the White family and to always take what she wanted by first command and if that didn't work, by force. Growing up she was not allowed to feel remorse or show signs of weakness. However, when her little sister Theo was born, she instantly fell in love with her baby sister and will protect her from harm at all coast. Other: Coure is Heart in Italian. Where as her mother is known for chopping off head, Coure is known for removing hearts. Name: Theo Parent: Red Queen and King Age: 10 Looks: [img=] Personality: Theo is a bit of a brat, but she is much nicer than her older sister or her parents. They have tried to teach her to be ruthless, but she refuses to be mean. She doesn't see the point in trying to scare the subjects when she is never going to be ruler. She can often be found skipping through Wonderland with her Coni the stuffed Rabbit in hand. A smile is always on her face and she always tries to make others feel better. Short History: While her parents were focused on making Coure the next Queen, Theo was out and about making friends in Wonderland. She met the White family and often visits them, even though she knows she is not supposed to. She likes to play with Tabby sometimes, but she can get a bit rough. She likes for things to go her way because they usually do at home and she is a princess after all. Other: Theo is scared of the dark.