Anri had just finished his last class for the day. One of his dad's requested classes. A few of the girls talked to him after class. It wasn't bad that they wanted to talk to him. Not in the least. He still liked women after all, despite how naturally feminine he looked. "Oh, would you all look at the time." He pointed to a clock on the wall. "I'm sorry, but I must leave. I have somewhere to be." The few girls waved Anri goodbye and went their own ways. "Alright." He said as the girls walked away. "Now then, where was this Anime Club at again?" That's right, he was joining an Anime Club. Anri was hoping he wouldn't be the odd man out there though, seeing as he mostly had to hope on the goodwill of others to watch DVD's or read manga. It wasn't exactly something his dad approved of though his mother had a much more. . . Outlandish personality. Things his father didn't like, his mother would encourage because she could and no other reason. That was about as far as his father would go on those subjects. Anime and manga tended to be one of those things. Still it was getting to be about time for the Anime Club. It was about 2:53 and he still had to make his way to the club. In fact, he didn't know exactly where it was. Just it's general location, so when he did find it eventually, he thought he would be a little late. He entered the door a little cautiously, "Hello. . ." As he entered, he noticed that one of people inside was handing the others a piece of paper. The one handing over the piece of paper. . . Well, he didn't have quite the friendliest face Anri had ever seen. The other two. . . One was a foreigner with blonde hair. Really, it was just that he had blonde hair that made Anri assume so. He couldn't really see the guy's face to say otherwise. The last person, the lone girl among them, was rather cute. "I was looking for the anime club, was this the right room?" He asked with a smile, hoping he had the right place.