[quote=Rinion] Unagineko i have some issues with your CS but im here to help =) ...1. basic stealth: time too high... id say 2 mins tops at tier 1. 20 min cool down2. Usagiton's Soul: to op and doesnt seem to fit the character... maybe some sort of a "mana blade" she can summon for 2 mins if she doesnt have her sword? cool down 6 mins3. Basic+ Stealth: 4 min time? 30 min cooldown4. Basic++ Stealth: 6 min time? and after leaving stealth gets a 10% bonus agility? 26 min cooldown5. Purple Aura Shield: what does this block?... id say incoming projectiles for 10 seconds?6. If an enemy is hit directly by Bunny's katana "Usagiton", there is a 10% chance of poisoning that makes the foe's vision blurry 10 minutes...... maybe make this blurred vision and a 15% agility drop for 20 seconds?7. Advanced Stealth: 8 mins and undetectable to sensors? 24 min cooldown8.Usagiton's Will: the attack wouldn't suit your class.... maybe a flurry attack that temporarily increases your attack speed by double for 1 min, has a 5 min cooldown?9. If an enemy is hit directly by Bunny's katana "Usagiton", there is a 35% chance of poisoning that makes the foe's vision nearly blind. Only being able to make out basic shapes and colors for 10 minutes...... 25% chance of poison, blurred vision for 30 seconds and a 20% agility drop and 15% acc drop?10. Super Advanced Stealth: 10 mins and if you attack while in stealth it wears off but your first hit does 2x dmg? 22 min cooldown11. Ultimate Stealth: 12 mins stealth and when she attacks her stealth will last 30 seconds until it wears off.... cool down - 20 min cooldown?12: : If an enemy is hit directly by Bunny's katana "Usagiton", there is a 40% chance of poisoning that makes the foe's vision nearly blind. Only being able to make out basic shapes and colors for 10 minutes....... maybe 40% chance of poison, blurred vision for 30 seconds and a 20% agility drop and 15% acc drop? and they are silenced for 10 seconds (so they cant use other skills) 13: Usagiton's True Form: rethink this its way to OP...im reading through the rest il let you know when im done [/quote] Whoops! In that case I'll revamp all of that right away.