i have to re-post this every now and again so the returning players can use it. [hider=Rules] No Mary Sues, No Gary Stus or otherwise. No Godmodding, Metaposting or controling other people's characters. Please respect each other. Things get out of scale, go get one of the GM's, namely, LokiLeo, MULTI_MEDIA_MAN and me. Also, Le Moderators, Thundercat and Rinion (Sorry for taking that idea from another RP, but I think this'll help a lot too here!) Respect the GM's and Moderators listed above. No speedposting, please! If I see a whole page filled with just two people's ramblings, I dunno what I am gonna do to you... Or your characters. You can have as many characters as you like and CAN manage. Heads will start rolling when we see you aren't handling all of your characters well. Keep things PG-13. Hugging and kissing, I'm all for that, but more, take it to PM's and foreshadow it, or just just foreshadow it. Attack anyone you want, really! But no killing. Non, non. Discuss the matter with the owner of the character and then let me know, so I don't make a fuss over it. Super important, guys and gals! Have fun! [/hider] [hider=Players]LokiLeo789 - Add OverconfidentMagi - Mercurial Rayne Thundercat - Millicent Sailor Ramsey, goes by Milly Monocular - LadyxFayeth Card Captor - Renbu 1Charak2 - 1Charak2 Pudding - Piping_Hot_Cocoa Lennon79 - Hjalmar eddieddi - James Blake MULTI_MEDIA_MAN - Lord Tyrael YuukiSuzuki - Ichimaru, Gin Rinion - Rinion ChadsWorth The Thrid - Jackson Apitor Hebigami Shiho - Hebigami Wormgod - WORhMnGd xAsunaWolfx - Esdeath Kaname DragonBeastMode - Mr. Chuckles LupusIntus - Victoriana Rose Unagineko - Punk Bunny[/hider] [hider=MAP]https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=zUBIvgfpM5Xg.k958uYlgLftM[/hider] [hider=allegiance] Six months have passed. You've been trapped here for half a year, and finally, the Liberation Group, the ones trying to clear the Island of Departure, has amassed enough people for them to challange the first boss guarding the entrance. However, problems don't end there. A group, opposing those from the Liberation Group, has appeared. The New Terror. Taking their name from the title of the game, these people want things to stay just as they are, saying they don't need the real world, and impeding the advance of the Liberation Group. What will you do? What do you want to do? Stay in the game and live happily ever after in a digital fantasy? Or go back to the real world and return to your daily live rather than being trapped somewhere where you might die at any given minute? The choice, is yours.....[/hider] Guilds: [hider=D.T.P]Alkharn and Malcor, Your two towns! Guild Sheet; Name; Debauchery Tea Party Tag; [DTP] Members;N/A (Need to see which players want in!) Owner/Leader; James Blake Join Requirements; No affiliation to New Terror Or The Liberation Group, Predisposition towards Kindness and fun. 500GP joining Fee. Membership Requirements; 500 Silver Per month deposit to guild bank minimum, Join in at least 1 guild event. Senior Membership Requirements; 100Gp Per month deposit Minimum, Join 3 Guild Events, Run 1. Guild member for 1 Year Membership Bonuses; Up to 5Plat loan from guild bank at 0% interest, 5% Interest for every plat above. Usage of 200 Guild Bank slots, Withdrawal of 1 Rare or higher Item from the guild at the rate of once per 6 months.(return or replacement is required) Equal Trade with Items, (Rare for Rare ect) 10% of all guild auctions. Senior Membership Bonuses; 20 Plat Loan, at 0% Intrest, Every Plat after is 2% Intrest, Usage of 400 Guild Bank slots, Withdrawal of one item of any rarity per month, (Return or replacement is requested but not enforced) Equal trade with items + sell items to the guild, 15% of all guild auctions. Guild Hall: The Nosferatu, James's Personal Airship, Since he can't afford the GuildHall Rent! Img; [Img=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/008/3/3/heavy_airship_design_by_michalkus-d5qw4bf.jpg] Members List; Rinion - Rinion LokiLeo789 - Add Pudding - Piping_Hot_Cocoa[/hider] if you have already founded a guild or if you need something just PM me =) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IC is up so what u waiting for ;) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!