Union City used to be the city everybody wanted to go with its clean streets,great education,and low crime rate the city was an absolute paradise in the states. The city grew immensely in the coming years to a population of nearly 2 million but not all things good last forever. A meteor suspected to pass by earth took a surprise course and landed near Union city causing a huge crater shattering windows everywhere. This was not the end however as crews of scientist and police poured in to inspect the object things started appearing out of it killing scientist and police alike. As the crew of people ran back to the city the creatures started taking the forms of the ones killed and started making their way to the city... The creatures did this for months infiltrating the city by taking someone else's form and then at the right moment gave away their disguise to kill someone else. Repeated attempts at firing missiles at the meteor did nothing and the military would have to concentrate all of their fire to kill one weak newly named "Body-Snatchers". Finally a Company stepped up to stop the menace named STAG who developed suits and weapons based of the Snatchers. STAG took over operations in the city and made a new group of soldiers called Rangers to handle the threat and also EX Rangers who had custom suits. Now the fight is on to save Union City from the Snatchers. [img=http://images.webdesignbooth.com/night-photography/cities/vancouver-city-skyline-at-night.jpg] City at night [b]Rangers and EX Rangers[/b]: Rangers are the what you would call the "Grunts"of STAG however they undergo a very hard training camp and are near on par with Navy Seals skill wise. The usually travel in groups of two or more and are equipped to take 1-2 scaled Body Snatchers. [url=http://media.gamespy.com/columns/image/article/974/974990/amazing-game-tech-in-real-life-20090421020111509.jpg] Ranger suit. EX Rangers are custom suits made for aces and are authorized to roam the streets by themselves. They can handle any type of Snatcher including 4 scaled ones and are the best thing against them. However very few are around. CS Sheet Name: Age: Appearance out of suit: Custom Suit(only for EX): Equipment: Bio: [b] Body Snatchers [/b] Are creature from what we assume space that is not for certain. All humans know is that they are viscous and care nothing of human life. They also take on the intelligence of their host they find however once they are in Snatcher form their intelligence goes down to their level. They are but into scales for how vicious they are: 1: Are Snatchers who have recently formed from the meteor and can be easily killed. (Picture coming soon) 2: They are the most common type and come in all different types of forms. These will put up a fight if found out about. They have average intelligence on par with a human. 3: They are even more devolved than the other two and usually command lesser ones to do things they are extremely deadly and combat and their armor is extremely hard to break. They have the intelligence of a very smart human and can mobilize attack squads. 4: Are ones who have evolved to a much meaner Snatcher they can morph into multiple humans and are STAGS worst nightmare to deal with. However they are very rare due to the fact Snatchers need time to evolve and most would rather die then retreat. They are about two times smarter than a human and can spot out weaknesses in EX suits. They also don't steal bodies and instead like to go in regular Snatcher form. CS Human Name: Snatcher Name: Human Appearance: Snatcher Appearance: Attacks: Level: