After a night's rest, Sharee went to work on the penultimate step in her plan. She purchased a few missing ingredients in town, then got to work on brewing the poison Kahl would use on the food in his master's ship. A concentrated dose of the brew she concocted would not take long to kill, but unfortunately, mixing it into the food or drink for an entire ship would dilute it to the point that it would not longer be lethal. It would, however, make anyone who consumed it weak and sickly for the better part of a day. Once it was finished, she gave the poison to Kahl, taught him how to conceal it, then sent him off with a bribe to his master in the form of a crate of skooma with instructions to poison their food the morning of their departure. There were, of course, plenty of places where the plan might fail, but it wasn't absolutely necessary for Kahl to succeed in order for their attack overall to be a success. It would just serve to make their job easier. Two days after sending Kahl back to his master, one of the lookouts noted some activity on the top deck of their target ship. Sharee gave it a look herself, confirming that they seemed to be readying their ship to set sail. Immediately, she gathered up a group of the sailors around her to serve as messengers to the rest of the crew. "Alright, it's time. Send the word around that I want everyone to their stations, but not too quickly. We don't want to clue in our target to the fact that we're following them in case they're watching us as well. Regardless, if anyone is ashore, I want them on the ship within the hour. If they're not onboard when it comes time to leave, then they're getting left behind. Also, make sure to get the navigator and have him keep an eye on our mark. When they set sail, I want him to tell me where they're going. Now, get a move on." She ordered. As the ship sprang to life around her, with her sailors scrambling to get to their stations, Sharee stood on the bow, looking out over the sea...which a special focus on their target. If Kahl succeeded, then their raid would be quick and painless. If not, then it would take longer and be much more painful, but she was reasonably confident that it would be her and her crew dealing said pain.