Name: Eira Parent: Mad Hatter Age: 17 Looks: [img=] Personality: Eira is always getting distracted. She loves to start new projects, but never finishes them. She is always late to everything because of her distractible nature, finding herself wasting time often. Because of this and other coincidences in combination with her natural clumsiness, Eira is often in trouble. Though she is hardly ever guilty of doing anything wrong on purpose, she is so naïve and easily persuaded on things she becomes involved in things she never meant to. She is very good about getting out of these situations though. She also rather enjoys poetry, though she’s been told she’s no good at it and that her rhymes make no sense. She can also turn her emotions on a dime. One minute she’s happy, the next sad over something not many would consider significant. This type of back and forth has often driven people away from her, unwilling to put up with her emotional rollercoaster of a personality. And if that doesn’t drive them away, her overly honest, blunt remarks can. Eira also falls easy to compliments (if you tell her she’s pretty or good at something, you’re her instant best friend). Short History: Eira and her father are especially close. Eira has never known any other normal besides him and his friends, March Hare and Dormouse, so his eccentricity never bothered her. She and her father always had afternoon tea together, talked, and bonded. She is certainly a daddy’s little girl. He loves her nonsense poetry, and would have her recite it for him and her stuffed animals during tea time. She was treated like a princess, and has a bit of an immature or childlike attitude. She has been a bit sheltered, her father never letting her see the dark side of Wonderland. She just knows cakes, and teas, and fun. She has no idea who her mother is, and when she brings it up, her dad spouts off an impossible riddle or changes the subject. Other: Don’t mess with her hat. Or be late for tea. That’s just rude.