Prospero shot up and launched himself out the door shortly after Benjamin did, even tossing his cape and his hat aside to start sprinting full speed around the town. He would do whatever it took to become strong enough to beat the tar out of this assassin and find out what he could about his own goals in the process...and if this Vicente turned out to be the person Prospero had been hunting after for all these years well... Prospero pushed on and ran even faster, not caring that his clothes were completely impractical for it. If his goal was really so close, just ten laps weren't nearly enough! He would do twenty or thirty if that's what it took. He would learn to really fight and become the strongest illusionist in the world! Then, after they were finished with this assassin, Prospero would hunt down anyone and everyone connected with him until the person ultimately responsible for all the miseries of his life was revealed. Once Prospero dragged that monster into the light, he would ensure that every bit of sorrow he'd experienced was repaid a thousandfold.