[hider=Haru Himura] Character Sheet - CONFIDENTIAL - --- Personal files. Name: Haru Himura Age: 42 Gender: Male Village: Yukigakure Birthplace: Unknown --- Known outfits and mugshots. Appearance: [img]http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2010/201/2/d/Rasta_Jah_by_burukutong.jpg[/img] His full appereance. --- Personal info, to be kept in the archives and never taken out. Known history and secrets: Haru is a very calm and understanding man, always willing to try and be patient and take things slow. A man who is generous to a certain extent and a man who takes his time to know before officially judging someone. He has flaws like everybody else, such as stubbornness and pride. It is hard to turn him away from his set in stone decisions and he is very proud of his clan and village to a point where sometimes a bragging comment will shoot out of his mouth. His peaceful nature doesn't agree with war, he likes to leave it as a last resort and prefers to use his smooth honeyed words than his rough hard fists. He is also a competitive person who loves sports and games. He enjoys a good physical game of football, or a clean sparring match. He has an obsession with keeping stuff clean, he goes crazy over an eaten off plate being left, or mud prints in his room, He believes hygiene is important and shows manners, he isn't the one for getting his hands dirty but he will doesn't hesitate if necessary as he believes no matter how old you are you must strive and work hard, you must earn everything you own. Known history and secrets: Years ago a boy was traveling the snowy plains in search of a village in cold blizzard, it became too great for him that he collapsed on the spot falling closer to a cold death, however if it was not the Himura clan spotting him, he might of been well off dead. They took him in and tried gain intel of where he was from, and why he was wandering snow country alone. He had amnesia, so he couldn't remember if he tried, he said he didn't know, he wanted food and a place to stay, he begged the lord of the Himura clan to let him stay one night, and to that he agreed. During the night an assassin had slipped through into the clan house of the Himura, sent to assassinate the head himself, however he stopped and held off by Haru, who only came out to empty himself and sleep, this alerted the guards and lord of the Himura clan was in Haru's debt, and welcomed him into the clan. He was treated like a complete stranger at first, different, he had none of their physical traits, he was taller, darker skinned, a bit more broad, but this would all change when he demonstrated his skills in Taijutsu, his reach and broadness aided his skills impressing the trainers and his peers, they trained him more and more, his physical body was a machine, he became the Himura's weapon for hand to hand combat. He had fought against the 3 clans with unit, along with other missions that earned him his spot, the lord had no regrets giving him the seat, however he had given the seat to a changed man, a man that was no longer a war lover, but wanted peace, and quiet, and wanted things to go smoothly without lacking effort. It is unknown where he is from, a lot of people thin Kumogakure. Clan:Himura Dreams and aspirations: To see Yukigakure prosper underneath his rule. To host an unforgettable giant sparring tournament. General strengths: Relaxed Very strong Tough shell ( can take a punch) Mastery of Taijutsu in more than one form Good Ninjutsu General weaknesses: [at least 3. Make these meaningful (no ''afraid of spiders'')] Slightly Below average speed Quite lazy Lacks knowledge in Sealing and war tactics. Lacks Genjutsu and Kenjutsu --- Combat information analyzed by the village researchers. Known chakra natures: Wind. Fire. Earth Kekkei Genkei: [put ''none'' if (s)he has none.] Jutsu's that (s)he has shown capable of using: [the basic jutsu that must be known to graduate are general knowledge and need not be put here.] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Wind_Release_Stream]Wind Release Stream[/URL] [url= http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Wind_Release:_Great_Breakthrough]Wind Release Great Breakthrough[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Fire_Release:_Dragon_Fire_Technique]Fire release Dragon Technique[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Fire_Release:_Ash_Pile_Burning]Fire release Ash pile burning[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Earth_Release:_Earth_Flow_River]Earth release Earth Flow River[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Earth_Release:_Mud_Spore]Earth Release Mud spore[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Summoning]Tortoise Summoning[/url] Self created jutsu's: Name: Wind piercing spear Rank: C Nature: Handseals: Tiger Description: The user performs with a thrust that is fast and can pierce through naked flesh, however it can't go through anything more. Name: Wind coat Rank: A Nature: Wind Handseals: None Description: The user makes a jacket of wind around themselves that is constantly rotating, its purpose is to protect the user from objects as well as enhance speed and agility. However this uses requires chakra control, and lengthen time of use must be quick or else the user will be shredded. Name: Layer up Rank: D Nature: Earth Handseals: Ox, Snake Description The user hardens their own flesh with their earth chakra lightly, though it is used as a defense for for projectiles and hand to hand combat, its actually meant to be used discreetly. However the con is that it cannot take the damage of everything, such as to many projectiles or explosive damage, or even fire and especially lightning as it is just like putting on a thin layer of make up. Name: Festival Dragon needleworks. Rank: S Wind Nature: Wind Handseals: Description: Using Wind the Chakra the user controls the senbons to form an outer body of a dragon, the user will send it hurling at the opponent and when close enough it will rain senbons. The technique covers a wide area and however it can be blocked by hard cover. --- Backpack, stocked with supplies. Shown weapons: Name: Description: Name: Description: Hidden weapons: Name: Blowdart Gun Description: This is Haru's favourite weapon as he believes it requires little effort. It is simply a blow dart gun disguised as a cig. Name: Description: Users kuchiyose/summoning. [img]http://freehdwalls.net/wp-content/uploads/tortoise-earphones-creative-hd-wallpaper.jpg[/img] Name: Paps What is summoned: Tortoise Size: Medium Uses: Earth style Jutsu rank C Special items: Special items: Beads and necklaces from his homeland.[/hider]