Evelyn watched, biting her lip as Katherin flipped the coin. When it landed heads up, she smiled widely and put her hands on her hips. [b]"HA! Told you,"[/b] she said happily, a rush coming to her like one would get after an energy drink. She looked a bit confused after a few seconds though, as the words blurted from her mouth and the excitement she'd had before and after the coin toss were very unlike her normal nature. She was the girl on the team that passed to everyone. She hated competition. She wanted to have fun. This... need to be right and win was so unlike her. She looked at the others with a sheepish, apologetic smile while clearing her throat. [b]"Umm... well... that did feel awesome... and I have no idea why,"[/b] she said, alluding to the fact that Katherin was probably, in fact, correct in what she was telling them.