[b]Kouki Kumini [/b] The small child didn't put up much of a fight, or rather any fight at all, as Rin carried him away. His usually vibrant eyes were dulled and slightly red around the edges. In the end, he mostly gave up and just slumped against Rin. He was tired and mostly just wanted to sleep, hoping that when he woke up his Dad would be there and that nothing would hurt anymore. There were hints of sadness in his eyes as he was carried away from Ayano, hoping that he'd made the right choice and went with the right person. There was a chance Kouki would have fallen asleep if the burns on his legs and wrist weren't still causing him a lot of pain. Maybe it was because they were inside now, but being in the HOMRA headquarters was oddly comforting. There were lots of people here, but it was better being out on the street. The couch he'd been set on was comfy too. As the girl did something too his legs, they started to feel better. In Kouki's young mind, he assumed it was her doing entirely, but that wasn't really the case. In reality, his powers were kicking in, draining some of his energy and leaving Kouki in a drained and sleepy state. He looked at the people that had gathered around him with groggy eyes. Or rather, he tried to look at them. All he could really make out was that the girl was still there, and had been joined by two more, much taller people. The one, he noted, reminded him of his Dad somehow, but Kouki couldn't place why. Still, when Kouki was addressed, he nodded in response.