Okay...here goes nothing I suppose. WIP. [hider=Teysa of the Black Flight] Name: Teysa Miranova Gender: Female Age: Twenty-seven Shifter Form: Dragon Appearance: [center][img=http://safebooru.org//images/786/1e5f981f4d879b93e5452695ada46668b7c856f3.jpg?791750][/center] If anything, Teysa bears a regal presence as a constant whether it be the field of battle or the day to day idleness of everyday life. Standing at just over 5'8", she is slightly taller than average, her stride is one that is smooth, calculated, and precise. Just like her movements as a Dragon, she can choose to be swift in such form if she wishes, though seldom is that option ever used. Though it almost always seems as if she is calculating precisely what to do next, she can be just as easily impassive as well as passive, and more often than not she has a tendency to be more matronly, though she never understood why. Shifter Appearance: [center][youtube]-bY7AwvkEok[/youtube][/center] Teysa's draconic form is smaller than most gigantic dragonforms that have been seen by the academy. Smaller, slimmer, and faster than what most consider normal, she still holds the incredible strength and durability that other draconic creatures proudly possess. That aside, the marker that makes her different than most dragonkin is the artillery-esque power of her Dragon's Breath. Abilities: Magic Study and Knowledge - Through extensive studies, Teysa has come to be able to identify most types of magic the moment that they are used. Intellectual - In spite of her brute force and destructive tendencies as a Dragon, Teysa herself is actually quite brilliant. Herbology - When it comes to self-healing with herbs and plants, or even other medicinal qualities thereof, Teysa has an extensive knowledge of such. Powers: Dragon's Baleful Breath - Like most Draconic Creatures, Teysa's breath holds a lethal tendency and destructive properties; that being said, her own individual breath strength is three fold of what one would find normally. Heightened Speed of Flight - With grace and ease while in level flight, Teysa can keep pace with even some of the fastest aircraft built. Dragon's Scales, Claws, Teeth, and Wisdom - In her draconic state, she has insanely increased defense, strength, and even intellect. Background: (Self explanatory. Where did your character grow up? In which environment? Who were their parents, their friends? What was their reaction to finding out that they were compatible with a certain type of Mythic and so on? I want to stress the immense importance of the Background. I don’t care how creative you are with your appearance, abilities and personality. If you Background is a 5-minute-throw-together then I will ask you to redo it. You should be able to point to your background and based on that, explain why your character does X and why he/she doesn’t do Y.) Personality: (How does your character act? Are they kind? Mean? Perhaps generous or very brave? This is the basis of how your characters acts towards others, and you should follow it to the dot at any given time. Character development will happen, and your character might change, but still remember the foundation of who your character is. A really brave guy won’t suddenly become a really shy one without reason.) Other: (Anything else you can think of that doesn’t immediately fit in with the other categories. A theme song? A hobby that you didn’t quite mention? This section isn’t mandatory, but if you have anything that you can think of that you want to throw in, this is the one.) [/hider] How is this so far?