"Gnaeus Pictor forgets. The Socii provide around half the infantry, which is the principle component of the army, where we provide the others. Yet, the Socii have more population than we. Ergo, arithmetic yields the conclusion that the socii bear a lighter military burden. The expansion of Roman Citizenship is not unprecedented, as. After our fathers defeated the Latin League, did they not grant citizenship? We have little tangible to lose by extending the citizenship, but if we do not, we make insurrection in the south more likely. The Samnites will rise up at the slightest provocation, as they did when Pyrrhus invaded. We do not need to give them arguments to sway our valuable allies. Is it not our destiny to expand? But I am willing to compromise. Perhaps we simply expand the Latin Right to all states who were loyal during the entirety of the First Punic and Pyrrhic wars?"