[hider= Ruby Arrowson] Full name: Ruby Arrowson Code name: Kansas Gender: Female Age: 24 Implanted A.I.: Iota - Increases Pain threshold and increases muscle strength and flexibility for more complex movements. Iota causes the user to become more aware of others and study how they act. Armour Ability: Disruption Appearance: [img=http://imgur.com/TVCRoDY.png] Personality: Ruby is normally quite caring of her teammates, but is also quite shy, meaning that meeting new people isn't exactly her specialty. Otherwise, she is a fun girl to be around, often cracking jokes (most of which are terrible, at least, she thinks so), sometimes even in the heat of battle at an LZ. She treats her teammates like family, growing quite attached to them. She is easily made upset, but just as easily made annoyed. Ruby will sometimes come up with good (or bad) ideas during combat that would support (or might now support) the team. History: Just like lots of other children, Ruby had lots of jobs she wanted to take part in. She was good with computers, so she wanted to be a computer engineer. She was also good with electronics, so she wanted to be an electrician. Her parents just nodded, and helped her learn. One day, Ruby was watching a program about marines, and the UNSC. She turned to her parents, and she said to them; "I want to be a marine!" They simply nodded, taking it as another swing of which career the girl wanted when she was older. The only thing was, Ruby hadn't taken another swing. She had made her choice. As Ruby grew up, she started taking part in more physical exercises. She got herself really fit, but also continued to study computing and electronics as well. Years later, when she was nineteen, she told her parents that she was going to register for the marines. Her parents looked at each other with a very, very nervous look, then told Ruby to sit down. They had a very long talk with her, and eventually were convinced that Ruby was going to be alright in the marines (and that there was no stopping her anyways). The next day, Ruby walked to the nearest recruitment station, and registered herself. Ruby took part in many missions, a lot of which included her because of her skills in computing. The skills she had meant she could hack into things quite easily, especially with help from a spoofer. A few more years, and she was making incredible progress in the marines. It was by this she was invited to join Project Freelancer, to which she accepted. Ruby was asked questions, to which she answered. She was asked if she wanted to ask anything, to which she did ask a few questions. Afterwards, she was put through an exam, and was truly admitted into Project Freelancer. She started to train a bit more in short range combat than she originally had in basic marine training, and continued to train in hacking. Weapon (and equiptment) Loadout: 1x M7/Caseless Submachine Gun 2x M6D Magnum Sidearm 1x Thermite-Carbon Cord 1x UNSC Standard-Issue Spoofer 1x Stun-Gun 1x Standard Issue Combat Knife Fighting Style: Ruby prefers to fight using electronic and computer warfare. She will utilize nearby assets such as automated gun turrets to change the tide of the battle in her favour. Otherwise, Ruby prefers to be at close range with the enemy, though she will attempt not to let them get to a range where hand-to-hand combat is a factor unless it is necessary. Other: If you could not tell, Ruby is a hacker type of person. [/hider]