[hider=Arizona]Full name: Unknown Code name: Arizona Gender: Male Age: 28 Implanted A.I.: Kappa Armour Ability: Chameleon Armor Appearance: [img=http://i.imgur.com/3AZGgj2.png] Arizona has a clean shaven look, his young features marred by lines of stress and worry, not to mention the occasional scar. His skin while dark looks like it has began to pale from lack of sunlight, it serves as a contrast to his black styled hair and dark brown eyes. He is fairly well built, though not to the point of it being remarked upon, this of course is only further enhanced by his sense of style; Being able to wear anything and still look like that's how he dresses all the time. It's this trait that makes him forgettable to most that meet him. Personality: Arizona is a masochistic fatalist, always looking at the bad side of things. It takes him a while to accept when something is going his way for once, and even then, he doesn't expect it to last long. During the best of times he can be an airhead, his thoughts and musings more important than what's going on around him. Quiet and soft spoken, he only really speaks up when spoken to, or to berate those that irritate him. While in battle, he thinks of himself first and others later. Usually under the assumption that others can handle themselves. History: There's nothing really remarkable about Arizona's life that others haven't went through, a compulsive need to please his parents and cold reactions from many of his peers sent the young man down a path of nihilism. He began to despise everything around him, this eventually lead him to a life in the UNSC at a younger age than most out of spite for his previous life. There, he put as much effort into the military life as he once did as a civilian, things were going his way for once. That is of course before his entire squad were picked off by an insurrectionist sniper, being the sole survivor only due to hiding where the sniper could not find him. He lasted for days sneaking about, the dead all around him. Reinforcements would arrive, but Arizona was just as dead inside as his squad was. No longer fit for active duty, his story would get him picked up from there to Project Freelancer. Not exactly much changed with that, he's back to feeling the despair of life, with his superiors and other Agents ignoring him. Weapon Loadout: M319 Individual Grenade Launcher & M6G Personal Defense Weapon System (Also favors his Combat knife). Fighting Style: To put it in one word; Sneaking. Arizona isn't one to get in a full on fire-fight, instead he wait until such a localized chaotic event does occur and strikes while people are distracted. Preferring to be up close and personal with those he strikes people down, he has been noted to enjoy using explosives as well from time to time.[/hider]