[hider=Ana Trurk] Full name: Ana Trurk Code name: Alaska Gender: Female Age: 24 Implanted A.I.: Armour Ability: Super Agility Appearance: [img]https://spartans.svc.halowaypoint.com/players/Kralione/Reach/spartans/fullbody?target=large[/img] Personality: Ana is possibly one of the most positive operatives there ever was. She's always brimming with energy and isn't afraid to joke around with her squadmates, which can make her a bit unbearable at times. Her attitude hardly changes during battle. She enjoys herself immensely in the heat of a firefight and feels at home while fighting. She loves challenges, and might just drag out a battle longer than necessary as she plays and toys with the enemy. History: Ana was hardly the model soldier the UNSC would look for. She grew up in a slum with her father, a retired, alcoholic marine, in a slum in Mars and quickly learned how to fight and when to run. What the little girl lacked in muscle she made up for sheer speed and agility. Eventually, she ran away from her home and father to join the UNSC, thinking that it was probably her only way out of the dusty red planet. And it was. Soon enough Ana proved herself to be a fearless fighter. She fought with little regards for her life, her quick reflexes saving her life more than once, and quickly began ascending ranks as her scars started to pile up. She also became quite the pilot on the army, but the crafts she drove or flied didn't always return in one piece. Her crowning achivement was when she was able to take down a Brute Chieftain while commanding a squad of marines. She finished him of by tripping the wounded chieftain and then emptying an entire M7 submachine gun in his mouth. The fight did cost her her right arm, but she later commented it was the most fun she ever had. Even after joining several Spec Ops teams Ana was still looking for something with more danger and excitement. When she was offered a place in Project Freelancer she was told she would be dealing with experimental technology, high-risk missions and adversaries more fearsome than the Covenant. How could she say no? Weapon Loadout: -M739 Light Machine Gun -Twin M7/Caseless Submachine Gun (Sidearms) -Jiralhanae combat knife (Taken as a trophy from the Brute Chieftain she killed) Fighting Style: Ana fights at medium to close range. Her Armour Ability allows her to close the distance between her and the enemy very quickly, slicing them apart with her knife. Instead of using brute force, she prefers to use rolls, backflips and precise strikes to engage the enemy. Other: TL;DR She is essentially a rogue/pilot. UNSC WARNING: This operative must not, under any circumstances, be offered or put within close distance of alcohol. [/hider]