[quote=The Narrator] I think the fact that your nation has cannons is completely op. Since we have till now not much other nations to compare it too I have to say the whole industrialization-aspect has to be changed. The technology level should be medieval. I realize that it is a big aspect of your nation but still. Sorry.To your god, well... We already have a goddess that gives ideas and the final spark for a inventor, Urania. Also I don't like that you want to play your empire and its patron deity at the same time. The deal making aspect is very interesting however.I realize that you put quite a lot of work into it. [/quote] Meh, patron deities are a simple mortal conception. I didn't think it would much matter to a god which nation paraded around saying that he was the most important. He's a patron in name, he doesn't assist them unless he's planning to use them (He played a part in toppling the first Ghaj, helped build the second and then topple it... The third wasn't him alone, though) As for the technology level being medieval, can I get a date? Medieval spans many centuries and rudimentary cannons were in use around the early 1300's late 1200's. Machinery came in slightly later and started in lesser industries, but yeah, only came onto the large scale in the 1700's with the age of colonialism and enlightenment (Science bitches, it works!). If we're talking early medieval, then close regimental roman tactics will be effective instead, so I can simply change to be Rome inspired rather than the later setting I'm using now, and that can easily be the secret knowledge they were given instead. Speaking on the subject of Urania, I thought it said intelligence and the ability to give information as a result. Intelligence and knowledge are different things, an idiot can be knowledgeable and a genius can be ignorant. He's not a god of inventions and isn't responsible for innovation or intellect or even science like Urania is, just imparting nuggets of knowledge (information relevant to the agreement... And the questions must be specific, of course, muhaha), he just sort of drops it onto their laps in one way or another. Its not usually information in terms of science or exploration than Urania's as a result, its often information closer to home... And in some ways he is the less respectable alternative, lacking any morality he wouldn't think twice about giving an army of marauding bandits who will rape pillage and burn the knowledge needed to take a city if the offer is good enough... And contrariwise could easily save a dying child in some way if the offer is good enough. He's basically a business man, change, knowledge and secrets for sale: Better your life for just the right price. I took knowledge and secrets because they overlap and to avoid confusion, the trouble is with saying "secret" is that anything can be a secret in some way. Your name is secret to me, for example, for we are anonymous, so I thought I'd add knowledge so people don't get confused if he starts to bring up things you could argue aren't secrets but also you can argue are secrets (IE: Location of an enemy army. In some ways, its a secret, in others it isn't.) I guess he's less of giving knowledge as he is taking it from someone who already knows it and passing it on to those who don't (essentially destroying a secret). A bit like extortion really, I I guess, the people didn't make a deal with Orfai to keep it secret so he dealt with it lol As for the Deal aspect, it involves one of these spheres: The person either wants a secret kept, some information imparted, or for a change... And everything has its price. His abilities sky rocket to let him perform this task... Then slump down to the comparatively weak level he shares with other gods, making him more reliant on certain chosen mortals (Those he is truly the patron of, you could say, rather than them claiming he's the patron.) Tl;Dr Patron in name only, a businessman by trade Urania's knowledge seems more focussed around intellectual advancement, wheras Orfai's is tied more closely with his role as a secret keeper... And is the less respectable side. Deals simply business agreements involving one of his three (admittedly encompassing) sphere's Industrial can be changed to suit the setting better while taking a small artistic licence with history; still lots of down and burning tree's and mining and factories and general environment destroying, but not machine driven but rather done be an en masse workforce of men, in contrast to the usual economy irl medieval which was mostly run out the home and involved selling and taxes and was pretty primitive. Cannons can be removed and replaced with more suitable equipment depending on century.