I like Rick.. But I like a man with a cross bow. (: I love how badass Daryl is though. I mean when the show first started he was a real ass just like his brother [who I absolutely hate!], but he grew into a sweetheart. :) I love the name he gave baby Judith - 'Lil Ass Kicker' xD I saw a onsie of that at Spencer's I wanted to get for my daughter she loves The Walking Dead like mommy. I'll ask her what she wants to watch and she'll look at me and say 'Um, Walking Dead' lol and she'll sit there and watch the entire show. Everytime someone gets bit or zombies are after them she'll say 'Uh-oh' or 'Run' lol it's too darn cute.. horrible my 2 year old likes it... but cute. xD