Name: Yuusuke Hanari Age: 18 Appearance: [img=] Appearance details: Small and squishy, not a lot of physical mass or tone. Also, is fairly short. Everything is proportionate, no big ears or big nose. Dark brown hair and blue eyes. Fair skin with almost no blemishes. Height: 5 feet, 2 inches Background - Hometown: Sakura, Chiba Prefecture, Japan Major: Basic Arts Major(That's the best I've got. If anyone has a better reccommendation for a major in which Yuusuke can be a Manga Artist, please tell me T-T) Hobbies: Drawing, cosplay, reading, writing, video gaming, playing the Pokemon TCG, and collecting. Part-time job: Working at a manga stand in the afternoons (It's legit.) Back story: WIP (Tedious word counts >.>) --- Here's my character. Not much of a boytoy yet, but that will be reflected on in the backstory.