Finally done! ---- [hider=Yuusuke Hanari] Name: Yuusuke Hanari Age: 18 Appearance: [img=] Appearance details: Small and squishy, not a lot of physical mass or tone. Also, is fairly short. Everything is proportionate, no big ears or big nose. Dark brown hair and blue eyes. Fair skin with almost no blemishes. Height: 5 feet, 2 inches Background - Hometown: Sakura, Chiba Prefecture, Japan Major: Basic Arts Major Hobbies: Drawing, cosplay, reading, writing, video gaming, playing the Pokemon TCG, and collecting. Part-time job: Working at a manga stand in the afternoons (It's legit.) Back story: Yuusuke grew up in unorthodox situations, being orphaned as an infant due to circumstances unknown. As he grew up in the orphanage, everything started out fine and dandy, until one day at primary school, children started insulting him for being an orphan, calling him names like 'bastard' and saying things akin to 'Your parents don't love you. Nobody wants you' and 'Just die'. This is his turning point. From that point, Yuusuke began to have self-doubt. Why was he an orphan? Where were his mom and dad? Was he orphaned because something was wrong with him? These thoughts led to depression. His demeanor changed, and he stopped smiling. Instead, it was replaced with many nights of sobbing and depressed thoughts. After so much of it, he started not eating every so often, his self-image beginning to warp. These 'every so oftens' quickly became 'often times', and soon, he was barely eating, anorexic at the age of 10. No one said anything. No one seemed to care. So it didn't stop, not until he got extremely ill from lack of nutrients and vitamins. After passing out in the middle of the day, walking back from school, he was hospitalized. Diagnosed with anorexia nervosa, he sat in that same hospital bed for a few months, on a special diet meant to load his body back with an intense amount of nutrients and vitamins. After refusing to eat the food on multiple times, he was given pills of the stuff instead. He hesitantly agreed to take them. While he was in the hospital, he went through cycles of depression and doubt, until he recieved a box filled with paperback books, which were assorted series of manga, and a bunch of cards saying, "Get well soon." It was from all of the orphans and the headmistress of the orphanage. This was the first step of his path to healing. During the few months, he kept himself busy reading the manga most of the time. Slowly, as his time in the hospital went on, he started eating, more and more, until he was at a healthy diet again. This was because he was no longer focused on his self-image. He was focusing on the manga. Thanks to modern technology, he was still getting his education while in the hospital. 5 manga series and 6 months later, he was officially released from the hospital and sent back to the orphanage. After being in the hospital for half of a year, Yuusuke developed a passion for manga and, later, anime, doing chores in exchange for money and buying series after series of manga and anime. This helped him improve his overall social skills and distracted him from thinking about being an orphan until it no longer affected him. After 5 years of healing, he was finally medically healthy again, though still a little undermass and stunted height. His personality completely changed, from being depressed and self-doubting, to a sweetheart that wanted nothing more than to make someone smile. After coming back to regular school, Yuusuke would begin becoming more social, trying to essentially be everyone's friend. He tried his best to be a sweetheart to everybody and elicit a smile out of everyone found without one. Though, not his attention, this usually made people make him out to be the adorable boytoy that girls liked to see wear clothing that represented a cat earning him the nickname "Yuu-neko". It usually made some jealous, but Yuusuke never tried to use his so-called "cute factor" as a leg up for a girlfriend or anything. He actually would not have a romantic relationship all through primary and secondary school. Some would say that added to the "cute factor". Come time for college, he somehow had enough money to start off for a local university thanks to fundraisers for orphans, art merits, and scholarships. He would attend Todai University, majoring in Arts. Soon after enrolling, he heard of an Anime & Manga Club at the University, for alumni. In a breeze of joy and excitement, he grabbed an application form and filled it out. [/hider]