Luka’s eyes stayed glued to the girl as she moved behind the counter and he made no move to prevent her from doing so. The more in control and safer she felt the less likely she was to make too much noise or draw attention to herself. When she drew the knife his eyes widened slightly, acknowledging the threat but he felt slightly confident he could overpower her if she tried to attack him with it, but doubted that was the intent. She was scared. He could hear it in her voice, see it in her eyes and even hear her accelerated heart rate. No, she was just trying to protect herself. The boy held up his hands in a show of piece. “I haven’t done anything.” He insisted, his breath still heavily laboured as he raised his arms, but winced and dropped one to his stomach, where a sizable patch of blood had stained his shirt. Cringing as he felt the adrenaline start to leave his system Luka sank slowly to one knee, clutching at his side. “I mean you no harm.” He repeated, looking up at the girl. “I will go, I promise. As soon as it’s safe-” His words were cut off as there was a crashing sound in the back room, as if something had toppled off a shelf and fallen to the floor. Luka’s head snapped up and he watched as a [url=]small blue, cat like creature[/url], though leaner than most would be casually strolled into the room as if it owned the place, jumping up onto the counter and looking at the girl with the knife, blinking its large black eyes. “Hey!” Luka hissed, causing it to turn its attention towards him, still with a slight air of indifference about it. “What do you think you’re doing here?” The cat-like creature blinked at him for a few minutes and eventually made a strange, soft whistling noise at him, which seemed to quell the boy’s annoyance and he sighed softly, letting his head fall again. “And you’re sure no one followed you?” Once again it whistled at him as it sat down and began licking its paw, a soft pink tongue running along the fur before it ran it over its head much like any normal cat. “Fine, just be careful okay? Come get me when it’s safe to move.” The cat’s ears perked up at this and it jumped off the counter, walking over to him and licked gently at his hand before pressing its forehead into his. He smiled very slightly at this, though with his head hung he wasn’t sure if the girl would see. “Go one, get out of here.” He said before it turned and ran back into the back area, disappearing silently out whichever hole it had used to enter. “As soon as its safe, I’ll leave you. You’ll never see me again. I just need a minute to rest.” Luka spoke to the girl now, his eyes cast down on the floor, his hand still pressed to the wound at his side.