Faust walked down the streets of new york. He didn't know where and he didn't really care to be honest. He was free, true he had been free for a few months now but still after six years it was not long enough. Looking down at his feet he kicked a bit of rubble before looking up at the sky "man this city has really gone to shit, starting to resemble detroit" he said smiling and laughing some walking through the streets. "I love work" he mumbled to himself. Only a few months of freedom and he has already got himself a nice new job as a weapon for hire, already had a few contracts under his belt. And this is what brings the mercenary to new york, an admittedly boring contract. Find his target and observe him, study, and report. He had tracked his target all the way here, apparently he used to live here. His targets name was Julius Ragnarson, personally going over the file the guy seemed like a bit of a tool. someone was willing to pay a lot of money for information on his movements and goals before finally offing him. Not like Faust cared, he was just the first name on his list, and he even had his own list to complete. He did slightly wonder what happened to his life. So many list it seemed now days. It almost like the killing would never end at this rate. Once one list is done you get another, well at least work wasn't going to dry up anytime soon. Once stopped looking up at an apartment building he figured he might as well multi task and cross a name off his personal list. It didn't take long for him climb the floors, though as he could hear it. Heavy footsteps, military grade boots as well as being waited down with gear. THere was about six moving through the building. most seemed to be fallowing him staying low the though two sounded like they was headed for the roof. They came in after him as he focused and picked up the one of them talking "Be careful, this is Faust." so they knew who he was. That will make things more difficult as he would have to move quickly. For now they didn't know that he knew they were there and he still had a job to do. Arriving at his destination he stood outside of a door and knocked on the door. He could hear some movement behind it as he knocked again "I'm coming" a voice said as Faust smiled recognizing it, as he never forgot a voice. Once that door open the middle aged man looked at Faust in terror as he went to slam the door. Faust stopped it though and shoved into the apartment "Doctor! Is that anyway to treat your dear old friend" He said shutting the door. That man stumbled backward "what are you doing here?' "well I was in town so I figured I would pay a visit to my favorite Brain washing doctor. You know, catch up on old times" he said. The man stumbled back in the chair looking up at him "but we don't have much time, It seems I have some more friends in town and jesus fucking mary if they don't just want to play so badly So sadly, I can't show you the attention that you truly deserve" 'you know what Faust, you had two major problems. You're completely out of your mind, and You talk to much' he said pulling a gun out getting ready to shoot. The trigger was pulled but no sound came out. It was like the room was muted as Faust was faster. Dipping to the right he moved up grabbing the man's arm twisting it and forcing him to drop the gun as Faust caught it "thanks for the training though" he said pulling the trigger and shooing the man in the chest three times in the eerie silence. He looked around some and started walking toward the door "3" he counted releasing the ammo on that pistol dropping it "2" looking at the mag eleven shots left in this he shrugged sliding it back in. "1" he finished as he slid into the crevice of the apartment behind the door. Just then the door burst open as two cans of tear gas were thrown in. The first guard came as Faust reach forward grabbing his arm. Pulling him forward he punched the man right in that bullet proof vest as there was also a much louder hit sound than normal. He jerked back and coughed up blood all over his face mask as faust pulled him in grabbing that assault rifle. A deafening sound burst out as the soldiers on the other side of that door screamed reaching up holding their ears. Faust popped out of that door pulling the trigger sending out controlled burst downing the deafened and dazed soldiers. He reached down grabbing extra mags for his new rifle and shoved a couple into his pocket. More were coming as they crashed threw the window behind him in the apartment being filled with tear gas, but he was already on the move. Running he was heading for the stairs, those soldiers would have to take a few minutes before they came out of the apartment. At which point he was almost at the ground floor as he listened to them "Shit, he got the door team, assuming he is headed for the exit. Ground team watch the exits" Of course there was more of them. Soon though he was at the emergency exit of the stair well and stopped. He listened as he could hear a heartbeat on the other side Soon he kicked the door open with his gun trained on him and as soon as it swung enough he pulled the trigger. Again there was no sound as he didn't want everyone to know what door he came out of. Now that he had a moment he looked at his hand, the trembling was only light for now as he shoved it into his pocket. Now he listened, focused some until he heard some one calling the shots, sending out orders. He then moved walking back out to the street seeing a van parked along side the road. Walking up to it he opened the back two see three men sitting at computers. Two muted controlled burst and two where down. the third was scared and trying to shout but it was useless as Faust got up and walked up to him. "you know, You cost me something" he said setting the gun down and pushing a body from a chair to sit down. "It took me a month to find that guy, you wouldn't belive what he did to me, tried to fry my brain so he could mold it as he pleased. And when that didn't work, he threw me in a hole that makes fucking god damn gitmo look like a mother fucking resort." he was clearly pissed now as the man was looking for away out soon trying to jump out towards the van door as Faust grabbed him. Just then a voice came over a radio "we have lost sight of him, command orders" Faust grabbed a mic and smiled talking into it only the voice that came out wasn't his, but was the last remaining man in the van with him "Last report was east side of the building, he may be trying to flee into the subway try to catch him before that" he dropped it. 'now where were we" he said his voice back to normal "Now I had a new trick i wanted to show him, but sadly I couldn't cause you all just tried to kill me" the man was terrified as his muted screams called out and tears ran down his face. he was begging, something about a family, though Faust could care less. "Now Let me show you that trick" he said getting up grabbing the mane and soon a loud high pitched sound screeched out. The windows of the van started to crack as soon blood started to drip from the mans ears, next from his nose, as it went on his eyes turned blood shot before he was crying blood "you see, I discovered that if I'm holding onto someone, I can tune this sound to them. Next thing you know everything starts to pop as all your organs start to rupture" coughing up blood that body went limp. That should throw them off his trail for awhile,and he got to have his last bit of fun before he had to focus on his real target and his real assignment of studying and reporting. Yay Faust!