Luka looked up at the girl as she addressed him. The pause made him think she was about to start freaking out again, call him a monster or something, run away, anything. What he didn’t expect was her to say that he wasn’t allowed to bleed on the floor. The words made him smile to himself, almost laugh. But he didn’t. He looked up at her again as she gestured for him to follow her as she moved towards the back door. The boy’s eyes flashed back to the door and the windows as he hesitated. He wasn’t sure he liked the idea of going back there. He was fast but it would be too easy for the girl to catch him off guard and out speed him to the door in this state, closing it behind her and locking him inside whilst she went to get the guards. He eventually resolved to do as she asked if it allowed her to feel a little bit more comfortable. This way he’d at least be out of sight, no one would be able to look in the window and see him bleeding all over the floor. Inside the room it was darker and smelt of dust and fresh leather. His nose wrinkled at the smell but he moved to sit where she made space for him, slightly surprised when she told him what the story was going to be if her boss showed up. He found himself caught very off guard and taken aback, blinking in surprise but nodding in understanding all the same. However the next thing he knew she was in front of him, a needle in her hand as she told him to let her see his wound. Luka simply sat there in shock, looking at her, taking in details. There seemed no malicious intent in her eyes, none that he could see anyway. Her entire body held no traces of aggression, though maybe a hint of readiness as if she still suspected he may try to harm her. He kept his senses alert, listening for any sounds of someone else in the store or the door opening, but nothing. He found her scent entering his nose and he took it in, quickly taking it to memory. However when she said she was going to stitch his wound the boy tense and recoiled slightly, shaking his head firmly. “Don’t!” He quickly gasped, one of his hands moving to shield the wound. “Don’t touch me. Please…” Finally fear started to trickle through the deep blue eyes. It was strange, now he was fully thinking about it, which was proving difficult. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been so close to a person, well one who didn’t seem to want to harm him anyway, throngs of people not included of course. Another thing he could not recall was the last time a person had touched him that hadn't harmed him in some way. The idea scared him.