This was it. Whether or not Cyril uttered his request for help didn't determine if Naoto was going after Vicente. However, it did determine his resolve and the strength he'll be able to bring to this fight. And if he had a chance of winning. As he waited for Cyril to speak Naoto could feel his turmoil. That alone was enough to tell him what he wanted to hear but he'd feel more confident taking on a trained assassin if it was voiced. [b]"I need your help."[/b] Even though he had asked him to it was still Cyril and Naoto had to remember that he was awake. Still gripping Cyril's collar he realized his hand had stopped shaking. [i]That's gotta be a good sign right?[/i] A relieved sigh escaped Naoto as he let go of Cyril and smirked. "Then I suggest you head home and tidy up. It'll be nice for your aunt to come back to a clean house." Naoto knew he shouldn't make it sound like they were guaranteed to succeed but a little positive thinking couldn't hurt. [b]"I'm staying too." "For better or for worse. I'm in."[/b] Turning to the others Naoto couldn't help but think they were all nuts. "Fionn...Jak..." The rest didn't need to say anything. Whether for their own reasons or to help Cyril it was clear by the expressions on their faces that they weren't going to back out. He gave them all a confident nod. "Alright. Let's make this week count and make Vicente regret letting [b]us[/b] go and taking someone he shouldn't have!" Sonya instantly dissolved the atmosphere and started giving orders, restoring the intimidating hierarchy that they all were reluctant to come to know. As she did Naoto couldn't help the thought that occurred to him. "Sonya, I know you were the one sent to train us for a reason but I don't think you'll be able to get all seven of us ready in time on your own. I'm sure you're good at what you do but we're not the kind of people you usually deal with." Naoto was silenty praying the red haired woman wouldnt take what he was saying the wrong way and throw him through a wall. "Mom will probably be glad to strange as that thought is for me. And..." With a grimace Naoto looked at the last person he wanted to ask for help. As much as he can't stand him there was no denying that Vector was just strong as Sonya, if not, stronger. "What do you say Vector? Not like the Tenth is letting you do much else in this fight." Naoto then turned to Artemis. "Hey, I need to ask something of you too. You're good with tech stuff right? Do you think you can make me a weapon? Personally I dont feel right handling something lethal like a gun or a sword."