A solid rasp on the old wooden door caused the eyebrows to raise of all four men setting around the table. The Three Kings of drug distribution in New York State sat staring at the door silently waiting for another knock, all of them confused and on edge. When the second one came, the two Aryan brotherhood members and the Tejanos motorcycle club president turned to look at their host. "Lil John's pizza, I've got a delivery." A young southern voice sang through the door, sounding seemingly legitimate. Jacob Newdale, the ranking member of the AB in New York angrily stood up and his goon sitting opposite did the same trying to look intimidating. "What the fuck is this, Leshaun? Some kinda coon trick?!" The large bald men barked causing visible anger at the homeowner, Leshaun, the leader of the 7th street ogs. Before anyone could respond and as the young AB member marched toward the door at his bosses que and a shotgun blast of buckshot eradicating the center of the door and dropping the lackey in his tracks set the men into motion. "You're dead!" Leshaun Marcus screamed as he and Tito Castillo rose with their partner simultaneously as all three of the kings drew glocks of different sizes and calibers and drew down on the door. Rather than the expected raid team, a silver object was flung through the door. The concussion grenade had been cooked and cut the criminals off guard when it went off. John Firestone kicked open the door and through the haze fired two shots out of his Colt. Two guns hit the ground and Tito and Jacob shrieked as they grabbed their new nubs. "Mornin' boys! We got some business to discuss. Y'all been feedin' at the public trough a long time, and even though he's busy resting up, me, Robin Hood, and the rest of the Merry Men think it's time the heroin and meth stop and the people get some of that paper. Leshaun if you'll drop the gun we can discuss our terms." John said with an eerily cool tone as he walked in and stepped over the man he shot with his Remington. John held his pistol with two hands the whole time zeroed in on Leshauns throat while the,gangster composed himself, bit still responded by raising his gun and starting an inevitable Mexican standoff.